Terms of Sales

Terms of Sales

The general conditions of sale described below apply to all our past or future sales concluded with the customer.

Any modification or amendment to these general conditions of sale will be immediately applicable.

Fields of application and acceptance of the General Conditions of Sale

- These general conditions of sale govern the relations between the company MacModelisme, registered with the RCS of Nanterre under number 880 501 077, through the website www.macmodelisme.com, and the purchaser of products sold online.

Any order for products implies unreserved acceptance by the customer of these general conditions of sale in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 441-6 of the Commercial Code. The customer :
- declares and acknowledges having a perfect knowledge of it before placing the order.
- accepts said conditions, upon validation by the customer of the order constituting full and unreserved acceptance of the latter to these general conditions of sale
- waives for any reason, any time and in any form whatsoever, to invoke provisions contrary to or derogating from these general conditions of sale or provisions not expressly specified in these general conditions of sale.

- All conditions contrary to these general conditions or to special conditions of sale are unenforceable against the seller.
- The seller may also be required to establish categorical general conditions of sale, derogating from these general conditions of sale, depending on the type of clientele considered, determined from objective criteria.
- The fact that the seller does not avail himself of any of these general conditions of sale cannot be interpreted by the customer as a waiver by the seller to avail himself subsequently of any of the said conditions.

Access to the site

The customer is personally responsible for setting up computer and telecommunications resources allowing access to the site www.macmodelisme.com


Item characteristics

The products marketed by the seller comply with the required technical specifications and the legislation / regulations in force. Some of them are liable to undergo variations in size, color or weight depending in particular on the vendor's supplies. These variations benefit from customary tolerances.

We reserve the right to make any changes to our articles that we deem necessary.

The articles on this website are listed except for errors or omissions and their characteristics may possibly be modified.

In accordance with article L.111-1 of the Consumer Code, the customer may, prior to his request, take note of the site www.macmodelisme.com the characteristics of the product (s) he wishes to order.

The customer can then select one or more products from the different categories offered on the website. www.macmodelisme.com

The raw materials are not always the same, small variations in shapes and sizes are possible.

The photos and color charts presented on our website are not contractual. They cannot give rise to any dispute, question the order or engage in any way our responsibility.
There are no "standard" or "approved" standards for brushes and colors. The colors offered in the compositions of boxes, sets, cases and miscellaneous may be subject to change to allow the collections to evolve. Wood is a living material, its original color varies and influences its color and finish patina. Manual patinas are never strictly identical.

We ensure the constant quality of the products that we describe with the greatest care. If, however, any error could have resulted in an error in the description of the product, and this could have misled you, do not hesitate to contact us.
Certain products marketed by the Seller consist of a series of elements brought together in the same packaging. This is a unique product and the items cannot be sold separately. Some of these products must also be handled with care. The customer must never leave them within the reach of children. It is imperative to read and follow the health and safety indications in the catalog and / or accompanying the products.
Product guarantees:
The customer benefits from the provisions of the legal guarantee, in particular those relating to the guarantee against hidden defects.


The offers and prices appearing on the site are valid as long as they remain visible on the Site - within the limits of available stocks. Taking into account the number of references and the nature of the products appearing on the Site, not all of the said products appear in the seller's stock and the validity of the offer made by the latter is subject to the availability of the products concerned at vendor's suppliers. The indications concerning the availability of the products are provided by the seller to the customer when the customer places the order, with regard to the information communicated to the seller by the suppliers. Despite the assurances taken from the suppliers by the seller concerning the question of product availability, if the unavailability of a product was found after validation of the order by the customer, the seller will inform the customer by email or mail as soon as it becomes aware by the supplier concerned of this unavailability.
In such circumstances, the unavailable items of the order will be automatically canceled and the customer will be reimbursed for the unavailable products by the seller if the customer's bank account has been debited. In the context of a customer payment by bank card, the refund is made by crediting the customer's bank account and is made within 15 to 30 working days.

On its website, the Seller can indicate the availability of selected items in the stores in its network: this information is indicative only and may differ from the actual availability of the item in the stores concerned. The stores should be contacted directly (contact details indicated on the website in the "Our stores" section) to ensure the availability of the selected items.


The prices displayed on the Site are indicated in euros (€) all French taxes included (VAT and all other applicable taxes): they are valid in France and in the euro zone, and within the limits of available stocks. These prices do not include preparation, shipping or gift wrapping costs
As a result, they will be increased by the costs mentioned above under the conditions defined in the articles below. Any change in the VAT rate will be automatically reflected in the price of the products.

The VAT rate applied is that in force on the day of delivery.

The seller reserves the right at any time to modify its prices, and more generally its conditions of sale. The prices and conditions applicable to the order are those in force at the time of validation by the customer of the order. These conditions are valid exclusively on the Seller's Site: they may differ from the conditions applied in the stores of the Seller or of its franchise partners. All taxes, duties or other services to be paid in application of French or European regulations on the day of delivery are the responsibility of the customer.
Promotions are organized on the website. The reference price (crossed out) and the new price to pay are then indicated. In addition, promotional codes can be used on the site directly in the basket. Each promotional code is subject to certain conditions (validity date, minimum order, conditions of use, etc.) specified on its distribution medium (advertisements, press announcements, flyers). In the case of promotion (s) valid for a given category of customer (s) (students, artists, etc.), the Seller reserves the right to request proof to verify membership of the specified category. .

Special offers

They are always without obligation and within the limit of available stocks.


The preparation of the order and the shipment of products can only take place after payment by the customer. Payment for your purchases can be made:
- Or by credit card: Visa, MasterCard, Carte Bleue directly on the Site (entry secured by SSL encryption). No banking data is kept on the site of www.macmodelisme.com
- Either through the customer's Paypal account

The price is payable in full and in a single payment. All orders are payable in euros (€).


The fact of placing an order implies full and unreserved acceptance by the customer of these general conditions. This acceptance by the customer conditions the taking into account of the order.

An order can only be accepted if it includes a complete indication of the Buyer's contact details, the products ordered and the method of payment chosen.

The order validated by the customer will be followed by a confirmation email, which materializes the registration by the seller of the order. This e-mail confirms that the order has been taken into account and not that the product ordered is available. Upon receipt of this order, the seller ensures the conformity of the order and performs the checks prior to the validation by the seller of the order.The seller reserves the right not to act on the order placed by the customer, especially :
- In the event of order (s) exceeding, by their content or frequency, the needs of an individual and more generally in the event of abnormal request or bad faith from the customer.
- In the event of information from the banking organization in charge by the seller of managing the payment of the order indicating the impossibility of implementing the payment method used for the payment of the order.
- In the event that we are no longer able to meet the specified conditions.
- in the event of a dispute relating to a previous order.
- And more generally in the case of a legitimate reason as provided for by Article L 122-1 of the Consumer Code.

Offers are only valid while stocks last.

Following the shipment of the customer's order, the seller will provide him with the invoice corresponding to his order on express request via customer service (info @macmodelisme.com - please specify the order number when requesting). Only the delivery slip containing the items ordered and their designation will be attached to the order, but not including financial information (item prices and total including VAT). Transfer of ownership and transfer of risk

The products sold, even held by the customer, remain the property of the seller until payment of the full price, in principal and in accessories, including in the event of granting of payment terms, allowing him to regain possession of said products.

The customer agrees not to constitute any security on the delivered and unpaid products and, in general, to carry out any operation likely to prejudice the property rights of the seller and to resell them.

The claim of products whose ownership is reserved for the benefit of the seller is made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, unless special legal provision. All costs incurred by claiming products or their price are the sole responsibility of the customer.

This principle does not preclude, upon receipt by the customer of the aforementioned products, the transfer to the customer of the risk of loss or deterioration of the products subject to retention of title as well as the damage that they may suffer or cause. Participation in postage and packaging costs for shipments in mainland France:

Orders Delivery methods Stores Global relay Home
0> 48.99 € understood 4 € 6 € 8 €
49 €> 98.99 € understood 2 € 4 € 6 €
from 99 € FREE FREE FREE

In the event of delivery of packages exceeding the postal standards in force, the seller will charge the customer an additional cost of € 4.90 or € 9.90, depending on the level of congestion of the package (s). This additional cost is intended to bear the additional preparation and shipping costs invoiced to the Seller by the Post Office or its carriers in the event of the delivery of bulky packages.


Delivery delay

For deliveries in mainland France, our objective is to deliver to you within one week from the date of receipt of your order for current products. Special deadlines will be indicated upon receipt of the order. The delivery times communicated by the seller will be given for information only; they cannot in any case constitute a firm commitment on its part.

The deadlines depend in particular on the availability of carriers and products (especially with the approach of special events such as Christmas, Easter or back to school), as well as the order of arrival of orders, certain products also requiring specific deadlines.

In the event that the indicated deadlines are exceeded, the seller will notify the customer and provide him with a new provisional deadline.

The Seller reserves the right to cancel any order (in part or in whole) in cases constituting force majeure, as defined below.

All the products presented on the website are deliverable while stocks last. Terms of delivery

All delivery terms are only valid in metropolitan France.

The products are delivered either:
- in one of our stores
- in a relay area indicated by the customer
- to the delivery address that the customer indicated during the ordering process.

The Seller reserves the right to deliver the Customer through a carrier in the event of a bulky package that does not meet standard postal standards.

Damage resulting from transport

Postage paid or postage due, regardless of the mode of shipment and transport, travel at the risk of the recipient, the seller cannot be held liable for damage, loss or theft during transport.
It is the customer's responsibility to check the contents of the packages upon receipt before accepting the package and to write in full on the delivery slip or the transport receipt any anomalies that they may notice. All reservations regarding the number of packages received or their condition (such as crushed, deformed, perforated, stained packages, etc. this list is not exhaustive) must be made upon receipt of the goods.
Complaints which are not reported at the time of delivery cannot be taken into consideration. If the customer does not agree, he must under no circumstances sign the delivery slip.
The customer alone is qualified to formulate reservations with the carrier, within three days, in accordance with article L.133-3 of the Commercial Code.

Customer service

For any information, order or question relating to our services, our customer service is available to our customers at:

The customer can contact us by email using the contact form on the site, or by email at info @macmodelisme.com

Reception and complaints

Complaints will only be admissible if they relate to the products delivered. Any return requires the prior express agreement of the Seller. Under no circumstances will the seller accept a return postage due or COD. Defective or non-conforming goods must then be returned to the seller within fourteen clear days, without having been misused and in the original packaging. You are asked to return to the seller, along with the returned goods, the claim form (downloadable and printable via the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) area).
Upon receipt of the complaint, the seller issues support with a file number. Upon receipt of the returned goods, and subject to their actual defects, the seller will reimburse them. The return costs will be fully reimbursed to the customer, upon presentation of an invoice from the carrier or a postal receipt.

If the merchandise is not found to be defective, the costs of returning to the seller and returning it will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the customer.


Our liability cannot be incurred beyond the legal provisions and in particular the guarantee against hidden defects provided for by articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code.

The products appearing on the Site comply with current French legislation.

The seller is only responsible for the editorial content he uploads. In accordance with the regulations in force, the seller is not liable in the event of non-fulfillment of the order attributable to the customer, the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party, or a case of force majeure.

All user manuals, instructions, tips, etc. that we publish on our website are based on experiences or research, coming from our customers or from any other source. Therefore, we are not in a position to guarantee their success, to admit any wrongdoing or to make any compensation whatsoever, and we will not be liable.

Force majeure

The Seller's liability cannot be implemented if the non-performance or delay in the performance of one of its obligations described in these general conditions of sale results from a case of force majeure.
As such, force majeure means any event within the meaning of article 1148 of the Civil Code, and includes in particular: natural disasters, fires, internal or external strikes, fortuitous breakdowns, shortages, war and in general any event independent of the will of the seller and making it impossible to perform the contract, as well as the fact of the customer or a third party.
Information technology and freedoms / Protection of personal data:

The personal data communicated to the seller by the customer during the validation of the order is subject to protection. This data is only collected by the seller for strictly commercial purposes (order registration and delivery, communication of offers from the seller).
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the customer has the right to access, rectify or oppose data concerning him at any time.

Intellectual property

All texts, images, illustrations, processes and techniques reproduced on the Site are reserved under copyright and / or intellectual property.

The use by the customer of the Site is strictly reserved for private use, the right of use by the customer being confined to reading the information appearing on the site and the ability to make the purchase for strictly personal purposes. products displayed on the Site.

Any total or partial reproduction of the Site is strictly prohibited.

Applicable right

All the clauses appearing in these general conditions of sale, as well as all the purchase and sale transactions referred to therein, are subject to and governed by French law.
French law applies to the contractual relationship between the Seller and the Customer. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.
Any dispute that may arise on the occasion of the interpretation or execution of these conditions will be the responsibility of the Commercial Court of Paris which will have exclusive jurisdiction, even in the event of summary proceedings, incidental demand, warranty appeal. or multiple defendants, notwithstanding any clauses to the contrary.
In the event of the total or partial nullity of one or more clauses of these general conditions of sale, the other clauses continue to apply and receive their full effect between the seller and the customer.



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